Our Commitments


Concrete Actions in Favour of the Environment


Yon-Ka works every day to use more eco-friendly processes, including containers, packaging materials, and promotional tools with a lower impact on the environment..

Today, all our plastic tubes (PP or HDPE) are recyclable*.

  • 20% of our retail products come in glass bottles, which are 100% recyclable*
  • Our packaging is printed on paper from sustainably managed forests (FSC), 100% recyclable
  • All our leaflets are printed with vegetable-based ink on paper from sustainably managed forests (FSC)
  • The development of all our communication tools and promotional items is part of a sustainable development approach

We are constantly striving to improve our procedures in order to reduce our carbon footprint. This translates into concrete actions in favour of the environment, both now and in the future: better waste management for a greener production site, increasingly eco-friendly formulations and packaging, etc.

*Depending on the sorting systems used on the French market


Yon-Ka's Commitment to Nature

Yon-Ka selects sustainable sources of supply in order to limit its environmental impact.

Yon-Ka, with respect for biodiversity and people, undertakes not to use plants that are becoming rare or that risk depriving local people of the food resources they need for their well-being.

Yon-Ka, aware of bee colony collapse disorder and the essential role of these pollinating insects on biodiversity, the ecosystem and health, has been allied since 2014 with the french association, "Un Toit pour les Abeilles", by financing:

  • the installation of beehives and colonies of bees, an eco-responsible initiative that also perpetuates the activity of selected beekeepers,
  • planting fields of flowers to attract foraging insects and help preserve biodiversity.

Our US subsidiary has also set up similar operations.


Women at the Heart of Our Actions

Yon-Ka supports Breast Cancer Research, informing and raising awareness among women about prevention and early detection, which can save thousands of lives.

Because women's health and beauty are at the heart of our brand's concerns, and even today too many women suffer in their bodies and their femininity, Yon-Ka is taking part in this commitment during the  Pink October operation with  Odyssea.


For 13 years, the Odysséa Organisation has chosen to make Gustave Roussy, Europe's leading cancer treatment centre, the recipient of the funds raised. The €5 million raised has helped to fund 19 major research programmes.

These advances will lead to a better understanding of the disease, more targeted treatments, the development of precision medicine for the benefit of women with the disease, and a better design of future therapies, in particular the deployment of precision medicine for women with metastatic or advanced breast cancer.

In 2023, a record year, thanks to the mobilisation of 40,000 participants, 278,000 kilometres were covered together in the Bois de Vincennes and throughout France, via the Odysséa Paris connected distance races. €805,000 was raised on this occasion!

Who will benefit from the €805,000 raised?
740,000 to Gustave Roussy for breast cancer research
65,000 to the Prolific Association and its ATIP III research project more information here.